"You will love the new house, Ella. Trust me."

These were the words spoken as a family moved out to the country to a little town almost in the middle of nowhere. Ella, a 12-year old daughter, had to sadly say goodbye to her friends and her old life. Just when she thought it could not get any worse, it did. There was a girl waiting at the new house, a ghost. She wore a stained white dress and clutched a ragged doll. Ella would often see her on the backyard swing and throughout the house. Once, she appeared in Ella's dream telling her to beware. Beware of what? And who is Ms. Florence? If there really is a missing diamond, where is it? The girl in the swing may or may not have the answers.


I started feeling tired when we were half way to the new house…so I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Moments later I found myself in a dark room with only one small window and began hearing moaning sounds. A scream escaped me as I discovered that I was in chains. I was terrified as the moaning grew louder…and a mist started whishing around me. To my amazement, the mist started taking the shape of a body; it was a girl! I started screaming and crying… what was happening? This has got to stop. I started pinching myself several times until my nails clawed into my skin harshly, but it was no use… I didn’t wake up.

“This is just a dream, this is just a dream,” I murmured to myself.

The figure just stayed near a wall…floating in midair. She had a stained white dress, light brown, messy hair and dull grey eyes. She had a blue outline, and in her hands was a ragged doll. I didn’t know what any of this meant.

This eerie place made me shudder; tears went down my cheeks. The girl started moaning louder; my heart skipped a beat like I was about to fall off of a cliff. I breathed heavily as the figure stopped and turned to the wall behind her. She shifted a bloody, grey finger up and started writing a message. I screamed louder than I ever screamed before. She started writing in blood; one letter at a time. She began writing faster…like something was after her. A whirling of wind grew. I started freaking out even more…